Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Beginning of the Short Message Service

When we look at the scenario caused by two atomic bombs hurled by humans on humans using a stupid premise to stop the war and obtain a victory, just stop to think who are we to cause such an infliction on ourselves? Is this the culture taught us? Is science to be used for destruction?

This virus can be observed only with the help of Electron Microscope. it was identified by a pioneer Scottish scientist named Almeida fifty years ago. This virus was supposedly living in bats and in some exotic animals like pangolins. Lied obscure more than fifty years emerged in this century in the month of January, 2020.
As our contemporaries in China had a penchant for exotic meats of animals that carry this virus. The jump to mankind was done. Results with a unheard of ravage to the entire humanity of the world and is actively in progress keeping the public in a spell.

Aside from this, social distancing, isolation, nullifying meetings of any kind, disrupted the very fabric of society. Restaurants, Grills, bakeries, store chains, super markets, clothing, electonic, auto parts, movie theatres, small local stores are basically destroyed. Infrastructures for the basic living conditions are falling apart day by day.

Transportation industry is devastated. The public is afraid to travel. Tourist buses come to a stand still. Cruise ships and huge Airlines are inoperable for there is no traffic due to virus attack. This is what we observe superficially. The secondary markets, meaning spare parts for all these are likely to disappear due to lack of demand. Many livelihoods are gone. Rebuilding our wealth to what it was, has to wait.

Now this is a valuable opportunity for humanity to redeem itself to find an antidote or vaccine for this pandemic corana virus to stop in its tracks. Now we have this rapid, ravage spread of this virus challenging us world wide!
Mobile companies have understood that mobile users frequently access the internet to highlight their social presence and carry out socially connecting activities. Short message services earn a great response and are the best way of mobile marketing and establishing connectivity.

With the exponential increase in usage of mobiles, connecting to other people through SMS has become a common habit. The advanced mobile phones help people chat, scan codes, shop and carry out businesses through SMS. You can improve the business productivity of your organization by using SMS for marketing purposes. The best way to reach out to multiple people at the same time and to pass on information instantly with a single tap is to opt for a Bulk message sender.

Tele-marketing or phone marketing has gained popularity in the last few years and now the annoying traditional calls are replaced by the warm and well-conjured up SMSes. A single framed message is forwarded to multiple sources from one ID. Imagine picking the phone and speaking to thousands of customers one by one, isn't it a tiring proposition? You can now accomplish, compose and send any bulk campaign through SMS's far and wide at one go.

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