Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Spread The Business Word Around With a Bulk SMS Sender

Regarding a 'voting app' and misuse; well, although just a tool to improve efficiency and seeing as a voting app would only be a tool for a faster feed-back loop for government and politicians, in one regard that would be a wonderful thing, on another it allows government to move faster. One of the reasons I believe that we have checks and balances is to slow down the speed of governmental change, to protect the government from moving too fast and catching people off-guard.
In a large complex system stability is important and if things are changing very fast and people are unsure they stop spending and businesses stop investing and we have issues. People who have done long term planning might be caught with rapid changes and lose their nest eggs, and politicians can force their agendas quicker, which is a problem too.
I guess it depends on how it is used, and we wouldn't know until we tried it. There are Survey Apps, and polling apps out there, but they are not widely used, once they were sponsored by the government, they would be used all the time - the frequency of their use is important, how often should they be used and for what types of things? And, what if citizens want to opt out? Not vote? Don't want incessant texts?
Then just like our voting apathy would set in. What happens when people vote and the government bureaucracy does something else anyway - which is typically the case, even the bills and laws in Washington DC are often the exact opposite of their name; "Affordable Healthcare Act" for instance, nothing affordable about it. Think on this.Text message marketing is a way of reaching customers through the medium of SMS. Using a web-based program, you can send bulk texts to subscribing customers or consumers who opt in for the same. You can also set up campaigns where coupons are sent automatically over time, engage customers in polls and questionnaires, or even run a sweepstakes contest.
However, you must be wondering what more can be done with a single medium, right? There's a lot more in store than it seems, continue reading to know. Here are some additional things you can do with SMS Marketing:
Coupons: Send your loyal consumers or customers exclusive deals. Uniquely generated coupon codes that you send across to your consumers prevent non-subscribers from taking advantage of your deal.
Drip campaigns: Automated messages can be sent depending on how long your customers have subscribed for the same. In the context of coupons, for example, you may send a 10% off coupon right after signing up, a 20% coupon after 3 weeks and a 50% off coupon after 2 months of your consumer's subscribing. This runs automatically as soon as a customer signs up, so you don't need to keep sending individual messages.
Poll: By texting different keywords your customers can now cast a vote only with the use of SMS. Most services let you run polls where you collect responses over a period time and graph them from your online dashboard. Sounds cool, right?
Groups: You can also divide customers into groups depending on which keyword they respond to, how they voted in a poll, based on their area code and more. Segmenting your customers lets you send more targeted promotions and coupons, which is more personal and they will relate to it too.
Send Photos and Videos: Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) Marketing is a fairly new development in which you can send photos and videos to customers. This is especially useful if you want to send a flyer or restaurant menu to a customer.
Location-based Marketing: Send different messages to clients depending on their location. For example: If a customer is around your restaurant, you can send them a text informing them about the dish of the day or discounts available at your restaurant.
Always remember, Customers should be able to opt out at any time. Fortunately most (if not all) text marketing services are setup this way by default. You will, however, have to remind customers the opt out phrase - i.e. "Reply STOP to opt out of messages"
SMS Marketing is better than any other mode of marketing? This might seem like a hot topic among marketers all around the world. Most of the marketing mediums have been available since decades, but the widespread of mobile devices has definitely changed the way every marketer treat these options in the marketing plans.

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